I want to change the world!
I want the small business owners of the world to feel empowered to run their own marketing until their business is SO BIG they just can’t do it themselves! I want everyone to feel comfortable and confident in regards to marketing, let’s dispel the mystery and make it easy!

What I do:
I am here to help people who:
:: Don’t know where to start when it comes to anything related to marketing
:: Aren’t sure of the difference between a Facebook group, page or profile
:: Feel like they could/should be doing more for their marketing
:: Don’t have the money to hire someone to run everything for them, but want a presence online
:: Only have a Facebook page and no website
And help them to:
:: Be confident with the direction of their marketing
:: Have a plan of action to grow their business with marketing
:: Know the ins and outs of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and more!
:: Have an online presence while still running a business, most of it can be done on your smartphone!
:: Have a website that leads to clients and not lose traction when Facebook makes changes
About me:
I am Jessie King, I am passionate about empowering people and I love to learn how businesses work!
+ I have 2 dogs
+ I LOVE horses
+ I don’t like coffee (gasp!) -give me tea any day
+ I am an ambivert
+ I believe in magic and wish unicorns were real
(Want some more details?)